The average living room size. The average living room size as of Oct. 1, 2018, was 330 square feet even though this varies widely depending on the total square footage of your home. A living room that measures 12×18 feet is a fairly small one while the large type likely to be found in custom homes would measure about 22×28 feet. Homes in the range of 2000 to 2900 square feet had an average …. So let's have a look at some living room sizes. We go from very small through to large. For each living room size I've taken into account a conversation area (a square conversation space) and an extra 3ft (0.9m) for circulation. All the dimensions….
Standard Size of Rooms in Residential Building and their Locations 1. Size of Drawing or Living Room: Drawing room or living room is a common, comfortable and attractive place for sitting of family members and to receive friends and guests. Sometime it is used as reception room and dining room and special occasions.. The size of a room is determined by the function of the room and by the furnishings that go into the room. The list of typical room sizes is shown below. 1. Living Room. Living room is always the first and welcoming place for sitting of family members and to receive friends and guests..
Minimum Area: 9.5 Sq.m. Standard living room size 9 feet x 10 feet. Minimum Size of Side : i) For one Room minimum width should be 2.4 m. ii) Where there are two rooms, one of these shall not be less than 9.5 sq. m. and others not less than 7.5 sq. m. with a minimum width of 2.1m.. The height of Room: The of all room for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 m. measure from the surface ….

An optimum size for a master bedroom would be around 4 x 4m up to around 4.5 x 4.5m (20.25m²). This would allow enough space around the bed and also room for a sitting and/or dressing area. If you plan on having a dressing room separate from the bedroom then I would allow a space of around 1.8 x 1.8m as a minimum beyond the bedroom itself.. Room Sizes The size of a room is determined by the function of the room and by the furnishings that go into the room. The list of typical room sizes shown below should be used ONLY as a guide for general planning purposes and to determine overall square footage of a proposed plan. FOYER • Small – 6 x 6 • Medium – 8 x 10 • Large – 8 x 15.
They can be used in any room in the house since standard double hung windows come in several popular sizes. Standard double hung window sizes are 24 inch by 36 inch, 24 inch by 46 inch, 28 inch by 54 inch, 28 inch by 66 inch, 28 inch by 70 inch, 34 inch by 46 inch or 34 inch by 62 inch..