Electrical panel in the bathroom is not the end of the world, it can be relocated, but this process could easily add $1,000.00 or more to an already expensive bathroom project. There may not be an easy solution if the house electrical panel is already in the bathroom.. Service panel in bathroom. Specific Inspection Topics. Electrical Inspections. jmcgrath (John L. McGrath) April 24, 2019, 7:31pm #1. Does anyone know the code date that service panels where not allowed in bathrooms? PA190031.JPG 480×640 123 KB. rmeier2 (Robert ….
Panel located in bathroom. Hey guys, I have recently been called out to a home with a few minor problems when i noticed that the previous homeowner had built a bathroom/ laundry room around an electrical panel …. The National Electrical Code (NEC) specifically excludes locating an electric panel in a bathroom. NEC 240.24 (D) says: “Not Located in Bathrooms – In dwelling units, dormitories, and guest rooms or guest suites, overcurrent devices, other than supplementary overcurrent protection, shall not be located in bathrooms.” The prohibition took effect with the 1993 edition of the National ….
Note that the Code does not permit an electrical panel to be located in a bathroom (which is defined as a room containing bathing or showering facilities). Rules 2-308, 6-206, and Section 0 Definitions. Ontario Electrical Safety Code 25th Edition/2012. My daughter is selling their house in Solan Iowa. There is a bathroom in the basement and the electrical panel is above the toilet. The house plumbing was stubbed out when they bought it this way. The … read more.

The National Electrical Code (NEC) was written to provide a set of rules and regulations to keep the use of electricity in your home safe. The NEC is the basis for most local electrical codes, although the local codes take precedence over the NEC wherever there is a discrepancy between them.. My report would say "E. Panel in bathroom – safety hazard – Repair." No C word in my report. If anyone is dense enough to ask why, it's simple to answer the question, just read some of the posts above. Bare feet on a wet floor, potential shock hazard. Damp humid location – potential corrosion hazard, and that goes for laundry rooms too..
In summary, electrical panels can be located anywhere other than in bathrooms, clothes closets, above steps of a stairway or in fire rated partitions or area separation walls as long as the proper working clearances are provided per NEC 110.26, and the enclosure type is suitable for the application (i.e. NEMA 3R if exposed to weather).. Martindale Construction & Electric specializes in Electrical Panel Changes, Kitchen Remodeling and Bathroom Remodeling and services Chico, Redding and Willows Martindale Construction & Electric (530) 519-4498.