Furniture production – with a focus on purchasing, quality assurance and specialist techniques This is a senior qualification with scope for entry from relevant trade and non-trade backgrounds. This qualification is typically used to develop skills and a breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge in a range of furniture making, design and production techniques.. The LMF40508 Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology reflects vocational outcomes in fine furniture making or furniture design with a broad range of skilled applications including requirements to evaluate and analyse current practices, develop new criteria and procedures for performing current practices, and provision of some leadership and guidance to others in the application and ….
Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology Typing out a word will show suggestions automatically below. Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology Help & advice 131 823. Victorian Skills Gateway. MENU. Home. Explore Jobs and Careers. Choose a course. Understand fees and funding …. To be awarded the MSF40213 Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology, competency must be achieved in nineteen (19) units of competency. five (5) core units of competency. fourteen (14) elective units of competency. Note: Units marked with an asterisk have one or more prerequisites and must be considered in the total number of units..

This qualification is part of the Furnishing Training Package. It describes the skills and knowledge required to perform design of furniture and the application of the design into a finished furniture product. This qualification is streamed to reflect three complementary occupational outcomes: fine. Graduate Outcome . A Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology will open many doors within the furniture design and production industry. You will graduate with the diverse skills to perform maintenance and monitoring of machines, research furniture styles, produce custom furniture, produce computer aided drawings, design briefs, construct joints for custom furniture, effectively ….
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This qualification describes the skills and knowledge required where the design of furniture and the application of the design into a finished furniture product is the central focus. This qualification reflects two primary occupational outcomes in the areas of furniture design and technology – with a potential to focus on skills required to design and produce furniture for custom or volume ….