This simple false ceiling design for halls is just one suspended island with cove lighting and six recessed lights placed in an even manner for a uniform glow. Unlike the other styles, this design centres and anchors the entire living room arrangement, almost like what a rug or carpet would do on the floor. 10. Go Bold While Still Keeping It Simple.
When you have a spacious living room, opt for a pop false ceiling idea. You can even incorporate a matching ceiling art here. A gypsum finish on the walls and ceiling is ideal for the architecture. This goes well when you have cream colored walls, along with green and brown furniture.. False Ceiling Design for Living Room One of the most popular ways is to install a stretch false ceiling design for living room. Simple to install, relatively inexpensive and diverse. Such a coating can be selected to any interior – from classical to modern. Ideal for a spacious room – a two-level light stretch fabric with spotlights..

11. False Ceiling Design for Rectangular Living Room: A rectangular living room is the easiest to design! Having plenty of space gives you an opportunity to work out amazing ideas and play with your creativity. Seen here is a beautiful concept that gives you a pleasant experience.. your must pay attention for your living room ceiling design, it's the most ceiling that your guests see, so it's a main element of your home image, now we present to you a collection of false ceiling designs for living room that will inspire you to make your own design, there is the modern design and the classic one, the luxurious and the simple one, the high-tech and the rustic one, the ….
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In this false ceiling the pink parts are made of gypsum under the main ceiling;such designs are suitable for the living room or children’s bedroom. Source: #4 modern luxury ceiling design for for office building hall. Home » Ceiling » false ceiling » Living room » pop design » 45 Modern false ceiling designs for living room – POP wall design for hall 2020 Sandra N The hall, or in other words, the guest room, is the main room in which they receive friends and gather with the whole family..